Tuesday 22 October 2019

Madamoiselle Champignon

Am I just really lame, or does everyone else have trouble naming characters?
Right now I need a witch character who will last (hopefully) for a while for some DnD games, and the first thing I did was hit up a list of French words for food. So now she's Miss Mushroom.

I MEAN, it's adorable as all heck. But still.

To be honest, when I name my DnD characters (the ones I play) I tend to play with randomizers until it's something I think people can pronounce. XD

Is there some trick I'm missing?

Thursday 10 October 2019

Kittens with Strings

On a dark and stormy night...

Wait, no.

On a bright and sunny afternoon, my husband asked me if I'd like to play a DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) game with some of his friends. Online, because every attempt we make at having a social life is stopped due to people not liking us bringing our kid out.

So began the obsession.

Since that day in May (ha), I've played at least one DnD game a week. But since last month, I've also been DMing. I've DMed (aka, been the Dungeon Master, the narrator, as it were) as many as three games a week for different folks, and it's been a blast!

My kid has even gotten into the spirit, he's made himself a dragonborn character named Oonas. He throws fireballs, heh.

As someone with (often) crippling pain, who stays home more often than not unless specifically invited somewhere, it's a nice break to just get on the mic, and get away for a few hours. Particularly while in the DM seat, where I get to tell the story, and everyone else plays in it. As someone who once upon a time wanted to write video games (hello, Rockstar, let me know if you're interested!) it's been basically everything I ever hoped for.

There's nothing quite like combining all of your favourite things (ha, now the title makes sense eh?), games, and writing, and entertaining people.

I only wish I'd started sooner!

Saturday 5 October 2019


Hey there! Not much to see yet, but I'm working on it.

If you're here from the GM DnD server, hiii. I've got big plans for y'all! ;)

If you're anyone else, hi!

I'm some weirdo named Ryk (so I've decided), who likes to write, play DnD, and write DnD stuff. Good combination, eh?

More to come, as blogs go!

Pic in the post made on this avatar creator!